Alternative finance helped Bill Dyson Skip Hire and Waste Management succeed
A Leeds-based skip hire and Waste Management firm has grown from 18 to 28 staff following a five figure investment from Business Enterprise Fund (BEF) in 2014.

Bill Dyson Skip Hire and Waste Management was founded in 2003 by Bill Dyson and Lisa Dyson. The business provides commercial, industrial, and domestic skip hire across West Yorkshire and helps its customers to reuse, reduce, recycle, and manage waste safely and efficiently. Its environmentally friendly waste handling service contributes to the UK Government’s Net Zero strategy.
Back in 2010 the business was unable to secure finance from high street lenders which meant Bill and Lisa had to finance operations using personal credit cards.
“Because of the sector we are in the banks wouldn’t speak with us. Thankfully, we were introduced to BEF by Mark at Tudor Financial Consultants. BEF understood our business and were happy to support us. Their five-figure investment helped us increase our fleet from 6 to 11 trucks in 2 years, create 14 new jobs over 13 years, and expand into a business area that and positively impacts the environment and people’s lives while supporting the UK’s net zero ambitions. Following the BEF investment, the business has grown into a multisite business that uses a state-of the-art IT infrastructure and a finely tuned workflow to deliver an industry leading service to clients. In the 13 years following the BEF investment, turnover has grown from £1.8m to £4.2m. This has enabled the business to significantly improve its cashflow position so that it is now self-sufficient for all but largest asset purchase. We have always had ambitious plans for the business. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the investment from BEF and the ongoing support we receive from Mark, John and the team at Tudor Financial. Their belief in Bill, me, and our business has been life changing."
Lisa Dyson, director at Bill Dyson
As with many businesses, the recent pandemic brought many challenges and few opportunities. Like many business owners, Lisa and Bill hopes that it would be short lived were soon shattered by the lockdown. Despite the challenges, the business went from strength thanks to its responsiveness, agile decision making, and implementation of the tough lessons learned from the 2008 financial crisis.
Now, with an eye on the future, Bill and Lisa work closely with fellow director, Mark Pritchard, who joined the business in 2010. Mark is responsible for the strategic and commercial decision making and the acquisition of clients from the construction and demolition Industry.
Their future plans include securing a own two-storey premises to occupy and lease, and ensuring the business attracts, trains, and retains young talent who can continue the business for decades to come.
“Maintaining our responsiveness to clients and the market is critical. While we never know what’s around the corner, we work hard to adapt, improvise, and overcome the many challenges the business faces. Beyond that, securing dedicated office space and developing our talent is key to future success.”
Lisa Dyson, director at Bill Dyson
Mark Tudor, director at Tudor Business Solutions, commented: Seeing the company develop and grow over the years has been rewarding for the whole of the team, each individual played their part and will continue to do so as the business follows its robust growth programme.
“Bill Dyson Skip Hire and Waste Management is a success story that speaks to the reason BEF exists, to bridge the funding gap faced by so many SMEs. We are delighted to have helped them find their feet. It has been a joy to see Bill and Lisa grow the business into what it is today. We wish them every success with their future plans.”

Hilary Watson, investment manager at BEF