Start-up loan helps The Spine Guy stand tall

A chiropractic clinic has received a £40k loan enabling it to set up a standalone premises and buy equipment to offer patients a range of wellbeing services.

Shaun Connell Marketing Executive
26th July 2023

The Spine Guy, based in Moortown, Leeds, received the Start Up Loan from the Business Enterprise Fund (BEF) to help launch the business into a physical practice after growing a following on Facebook during the pandemic.


Founded by husband and wife duo, Jeff and Laura Ben Mayor, the clinic specialises in using chiropractic care and advice as a regular, preventative wellbeing measure rather than just problem solving for pain.

As a qualified chiropractor of 25 yeas, Jeff was left unable to work at the start of the lockdown in 2020. With a view to supporting people who were now spending more time at home, Jeff created a Facebook group to share tips on how to sit properly, how to set up a laptop ergonomically and simple exercises to improve posture.

"Setting up the Facebook group demonstrated a gap in the market for educating people on the effects of bad posture on long term health conditions. Back pain is often the first thing that comes to mind but the spine is an integral part of the nervous system and substantial issues can lead to reduced lung capacity or early mortality. More recently, I’d been keen to set up a solo practice and Laura was also looking for a career change. We spoke to Start Up West Yorkshire and were recommended the Business Enterprise Fund who have been fantastic. They clearly understood our vision and the entire process was straightforward, taking the stress out of launching a brand new business.”


As well as offering individual patient care and corporate workshops, The Spine Guy has created an online six week posture correctness course helping people with at-home exercises to strengthen the back at a time where many people are working from home and potentially developing posture issues.

“The Business Enterprise Fund has been a huge help in us getting started, with the loan helping on everything from signage to equipment and we’ve so appreciated their ongoing professional advice. We’ve seen a whole variety of patients so far from those taking charge of their preventative care or couples who want to look and feel good in their wedding photos. Before we launched, Jeff often commented that people will regularly go and get their eyes or teeth checked, yet they don’t think about arguably the most vital support structure in our bodies – the spine – until it’s already in pain. Regular checks can prevent a whole host of debilitating problems, and it’s been heartening to see our patients beginning to understand this.”


The Spine Guy is exactly the type of business we’re looking for when it comes to the Start-Up Loan Programme – they’re problem solving, committed to a vision and bringing a much-needed service to a local community. In the last few years especially, people have taken note of their health and preventative steps they can take to look after themselves. With the wellness industry increasing in the UK, focusing on both home and work life, we anticipate great continued success for Jeff and Laura.”


Tim Burt, senior investment manager

Start Up Loans is a government-funded scheme delivered by BEF to provide fixed-interest loans and mentoring support to aspiring business owners who may be struggling to access other forms of finance.